In a rough order of importance (to me) – the financial impacts being far less importance that the cultural ones. 1 Britain is geographically and culturally part of Europe. The EU has stopped Brits, Germans, French and Italians killing each other for the past 70 years or so. IMHO this is by far the main […]

I am lucky, I didn’t become deaf until I was 62 and even then I am only 80% deaf – I still have some residual hearing. It happened overnight and was quite traumatic. I’d had a bit of loss in one ear for years, caused by flying trauma. Without my hearing aids though I am […]

Here are some thoughts. I am dispassionate – I moved to Leek in 2018 and don’t own any business or property in the town. Living here, I want see the town thrive. My background is as a “troubleshooter” – and I have also worked extensively in ecommerce. Of course, ecommerce is partly responsible for the […]

This used to be easier to answer but not many people wear flat caps any more and those that do are likely to be “toffs”. Any suggestion that the UK now is a classless society is easily disproven – it is still ridden with class-related privilege. So, what determines which class you belong to? Is […]

We will hear this a lot over the coming months. The current mess is an example of our (unwritten) constitution working after it had been messed-about by a very poorly defined referendum – called by David Cameron entirely to try and heal the deep rifts in the Conservative party. It hasn’t worked, the rifts have […]

In the UK child poverty is running at 20%. This is totally unacceptable in 2019. During term time school children from disadvantaged families receive free school meals – but they get nothing during the holidays, The schools are mostly not interested in holiday hunger – they are struggling to cope during term time. However, the […]

Using language precisely is important (1) and antisemitism/antisemitic are poor terms that can, and have, led to serious misunderstandings. I faced the problem when trying to understand how the UK Labour Party could be antisemitic. I had to do a lot of historic research and try and steer a path through peoples’ strongly held opinions. […]

I have followed the row in the UK Labour Party for the past three years and had to understand what antisemitism is and if/why it is a problem. First, I had to educate myself about antisemitism – not being Jewish I have never been on the receiving end of it. I have a pretty good […]

#Wearefailing is to help failing towns. There is no single answer to our failing town centres; each town is different and needs a different set of solutions but one thing I have learnt from my 20+ year “troubleshooting” career, is that until an organization recognizes that it has a problem, gets it out-on-the-table and takes […]

Working From Home (WFH) enables those who are fortunate enough to have the option a much better lifestyle. Some can already WFH 5 days a week but with vastly improved Internet connections, WFH 3-4 days a week is increasingly possible for many. Most organizations still have their offices in and around major cities but if […]